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Having Trouble?
Whether you’ve signed up for a Free eBook or Serena’s Newsletter, here’s some helpful tips to make sure you never miss anything.
Sometimes emails can be delivered to the wrong category or folder within your email box. To make sure they always show up exactly where you want them too, you can whitelist the address the email is coming from to keep it from going to the Spam or Junk folder, or categorize the address so that it’ll always show up in the folder you want it to, like the Inbox.
Most email providers follow the same procedures to whitelist or categorize an email address.
If the email is in the Spam or Junk folder:
- Select the email and click “Not Spam” or “Not Junk”
If the email shows up in a tab like promotions try this:
- Select the email by clicking and holding down and drag it to the inbox tab
- If promoted with a question like “Do this with future messages from [email protected]?” click “Yes” and your email provider will start delivering emails from [email protected] to that specific inbox tab.
Below is an example video of how to drag and drop Serena’s free eBook email out of Gmail’s promotion tab into the inbox tab and selecting Yes to future messages.