One of the many things I was surprised by during the filming is how scenes are not done in chronological order at all. The reason is that this makes it possible to cluster scenes together that take place in the same location. The reason this is necessary is because there are massive trailers that accompany the crew. The trailers have rooms for wardrobe, makeup, and places for the actors to rest and to dress, plus a couple of restrooms. Moving the trailers and setting them up is a major undertaking.
Today was devoted entirely to the action that happens inside of Rachel’s “house.” Some of this involves a big knock-down fight scene using a stunt double for Sarah Lancaster. This worked out well because we had rain today and the timing was perfect for indoor scenes. I now know how cramped it can get when interior scenes are filmed and decided that this would be a good day to get some research done on this non-fiction book I’m writing on Amish Parenting.
This was a pleasant task because it involved visiting the homes of a couple excellent Old Order Amish mothers with whom I’ve been friends for several years. I accidentally interrupted home schooling at one mother’s house, but she welcomed me in spite of it. The children–just like most non-Amish children–were happy to postpone their work for a short while, as their mother and I chatted.
I found the other Old Order Amish mother cleaning out the top story of her family’s massive barn. She was just about finished, so we pulled up a couple of bales of hay for seats and settled in for a nice long visit. A rainstorm beating against the high roof, made the barn an especially cozy place to chat. She is very interested in the making of this movie–and asked if she’ll ever get to see it. We have come up with a plan. It involves tacking a large, white bed sheet on the barn wall, firing up a generator, using an extension cord and projector…..and then inviting the entire extended Amish family over for our very own homemade premier of Love Finds You In Sugarcreek, Ohio! I can’t imagine a more appropriate way to view it.
PS This is what I’m thinking of doing for my Amish friends, and maybe for other premiere screenings! 😉 Has anyone tried this? Or does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this better? I think Jacob can rig something up, but I’m always open to ideas!

Source: flickr – plural: Jason Gessner
Melissa Gampp
October 5, 2013 @ 1:10 am
Serena, I have done almost exactly this set up, except I have used a shower curtain and hung it from my deck while we watch from lawn chairs by the pool. It’s so easy to hang the shower curtain after putting up a couple cup hooks and using the holes already in the top of the shower curtain. We have also done an outdoor movie set up for a 4H meeting. For that one, the movie was projected on a big white garage door, and the kids sat in pick-up truck beds. So fun! You should definitely do it (although minus the pick-up trucks for your Amish friends) and I can’t wait to read about it! I’m sure there is no shortage of barn doors that might make an appropriate viewing surface.
October 5, 2013 @ 10:34 am
Cool! Hadn’t thought of a shower curtain, I’ll pass that along to Jacob. The Amish might not bring trucks, but I can see the possibility of a hay wagon full of relatives showing up! 🙂